What I've done this month:
I did finish the deck by the end of 2021 (just barely!) and I just got the last prototype back from the printer last week -- and it looks great! There are a few minor fixes to make, but I think it's ready to release to the world!
I'm still working on the Kickstarter campaign -- there's a lot to it. I'm about halfway through it, and I'm shooting for a March launch date.
I'm also working on The SPIRICAL Year -- an intention-setting workbook that uses the cards as inspiration for prompts. I want to offer it as part of my Kickstarter campaign, as either a higher reward level or an add-on (I'm not sure yet what the difference is!). I'm about halfway through that too.
What I'd like to do:
Finish the final corrections and upload them to the printer, to be ready for a big order (fingers crossed!)
Finish the Kickstarter campaign -- write the copy, take better photos of the cards, figure out a price point, and develop reward tiers.
Finish The Spirical Year workbook.
What I've learned:
If this Kickstarter campaign gets funded, I think that will give me the confidence to try to sell this deck to customers directly.
I'm learning that my creative flow has a life of its own, that can't be forced -- when I have a new idea I can work with it for hours and not even notice the time going by... but if I try to force it, I end up just getting frustrated, or making changes to something that was fine the way it was.
Kickstarter campaigns are most successful when they are widely distributed. I have a pretty small following, but I'm hoping that each of you reading this blog post will be willing to send out my Kickstarter invitation (when you get it) to as many people as you can think of!
I'm ready to put this deck out there, I'm ready to see what happens!
I'm eager to start working on new ideas -- I'm in business mode now, but I'm looking forward to more creative flow!
I'm so excited for you and so excited to see the final product.